lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2016


Hi everyone, how are you? I’m fine :)

In this opportunity I going talk about an English language challenges and also about my English classes in this semester of university.

In first time I can say that the English is a language very difficult for me, because in the school when I was a little girl I never had a good teacher for this reason when I entered university I don’t understand the subject.

I think that I need more practice for the English; especially I need to learn how to communicate with other people, because for me is more easily read the language or listen to the language. But I think that the English need a lot practice is for this reason that I would like travel to other country for learn the language.

This language is little used for me; I watched the movies with subtitles and the music in English too.  The only occasion when I used the English is in this class.  

I believe that this class for me was very useful because now I can write more in English than at the beginning of the course, all this thanks to the blog.

Also I think that the English is a language very important in the professional life of the people, this language offers many chance like work outside the country and also will meet many people and other cultures.

This was my post; I can say that was very funny to write in this blog, especially read the comments… I hope see you soon <3

6 comentarios:

  1. Hi Aura!
    Keep practicing your english skills

  2. I think that going to another country is the best way to learn another language, I wanna do the same in a few years

  3. I know that you are very happy for this last post! enjoy it! jeje

  4. you're right, this language can open you up many doors outside our country
