jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016


Hi, everyone, how are you? I’m fine and in this opportunity I going talk about changes to my study programme, I hope that this post will be entertaining.

I’m student of public administration of university of Chile, I’m study in second year of this career and my place of study call EGGP located in Santiago, this place is very small and don’t have the condition for all the students, besides the classroom have a pillar and this situation is very complicated for the class. For this reason I would like change the place of study for other that have better condition.

Other think that I don’t like of this institution are the teacher of different subject, someone are very arbitrary for mark, and this is very unjust for the students, also some professor believe they are superior people to students and this situation is very disagreeable for me. For all mention in this paragraph I would like have other teachers   

I think that is very boring have many things for change, because EGGP is like a home, is a place that I live very often.

There are other things that I would like to change , like my classmate (jajaja) I know this sound crazy, but someone people in this university is so disagreeable and competitive and for me this is a situation unnecessary .

I believe that change all this situation is very difficult, but I can said that the next year maybe EGGP has a new building or I hope so.

Bye, see you soon !!!

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