jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

Summer Plans

Hi classmate, how are you? I´m fine and in this opportunity I going talk about the places that I would like to visit, this place for me is “Chiloe”

In my vacation I would like visit the south of Chile, in particular the island of Chiloe, in first time I would want visit to my family because they live in the city of Puerto Montt and this city is beside of Chiloe.

For this travel I want going with my friends, Damaris and her daughter Amy, and also I hope to meet other people in the island.

I want to do this travel because the island of Chiloe is a beautiful place; many people visit this place for the summer with the intention to camp and we have the same idea but for Amy we need have more care because she is a baby.

For this travel I need to work because is very expensive the food and the lodging in the south of Chile, for this reason I think that the month of December and January I won’t have much time for rest.

Other place that I would like visit in the summer is the city of Villarrica, but in this opportunity with my family and my little dog, in other occasion we visited this city and we believe that is many attractive to go again.

This was my post, see you soon!!! Kisses <3 

Resultado de imagen para chiloe

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

My dear pet: Canela

Hi classmate, in this occasions I going talk about my dear and beautiful pet, his name is Canela.

When I was a little girl I never had a pet because my mother was very opposed, but this year after many time with my family we decided to adopt a dog.
In March Canela arrived to my house, in first time was very difficult because we never had a dog, but with the time the raising was easier.
My dog is like a little sister; she is very loving and also is naughty, when my sisters or my parent get home my pet goes crazy, she moves her tail and bark for happiness (or I hope so).

For me, this experience has been very amazing; my dog makes me happy when I am sad and this situation is for all the family.
Every day we try to go for a walk with my pet, and in this situation she plays and runs a lot in the park but she is more happy when she had the possibility of playing with another dog in fact when Canela goes for a walk all the time she is searching for a dog to play with.

For me and my family, Canela is part of the family; we always worry about her health and his happiness. We love her <3

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2016


Hi everyone, in this opportunity I need talk about a postgraduate course that I would consider taking in the future, but I will talk about other career that I want study, because I don’t interesting a postgraduate course.

When I finish my career “public administration” I would like study other career and this is “nursery school teaching”, I want study this career because I think that the children are the key to change. I wish have the opportunity to educate many children through the love and the play and also I would like learn many thinks about the children.

I believe that this career I will study in the university that in the actuality I study that is “University of Chile” because the last year this university open the career “nursery school teaching”.

This career lasts five years, and in all years the student have to make a practice in different kindergarten for this reason I like this career in the University of Chile, because I thinks that a professional of the discipline are very qualified.

I want study this discipline because in my life I have the opportunity of work in a community kindergarten and in this place I known a different reality, I think that the children have many love and many attention but above everything they need autonomy.

                                      Resultado de imagen para kindergarten