jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

My dear pet: Canela

Hi classmate, in this occasions I going talk about my dear and beautiful pet, his name is Canela.

When I was a little girl I never had a pet because my mother was very opposed, but this year after many time with my family we decided to adopt a dog.
In March Canela arrived to my house, in first time was very difficult because we never had a dog, but with the time the raising was easier.
My dog is like a little sister; she is very loving and also is naughty, when my sisters or my parent get home my pet goes crazy, she moves her tail and bark for happiness (or I hope so).

For me, this experience has been very amazing; my dog makes me happy when I am sad and this situation is for all the family.
Every day we try to go for a walk with my pet, and in this situation she plays and runs a lot in the park but she is more happy when she had the possibility of playing with another dog in fact when Canela goes for a walk all the time she is searching for a dog to play with.

For me and my family, Canela is part of the family; we always worry about her health and his happiness. We love her <3

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